
New lease

I am feeling lethargic.Time is passing by with jet speed.My days are same with work,tv,cooking and sleep. I'm missing the charm of life.Boredom knocked me down  and i'm dying to break this nut shell. Yes,i want to cleanse and uplift my soul leaving back my baggage to carry forward with new life in good spirits and with fresh mind.

When life becomes old,routine,sick,dull and colorless just like the old home,we can repair it ,paint the walls,change the carpet and bring back the new glow.Life is like property ,which needs to be repaired and renovated as and when required. A new start ...a fresh beginning to make you feel alive .

So now i am taking a new lease on life to make it fresh.Yes i am ,be it waking up early to catch up the sunrise,or to have healthy life style ,few areas in life need to be upgraded .

Early to bed and early to rise-- Wake up early to catch the early breeze and to spend some lone moments in the cuddle of warm sunrise..My morning inspirations ! I'm gonna experience you :)

Eat more healthier than before-- No more late night snacking and i cudn't follow this for months cos of winter and my laziness.I plan to stick to healthy lifestyle ,more water ,more fruits and vegetables in diet .I will be back on track soon !

Exercise-- I lately feel that am getting tired easily .I try to include few exercises and walking in my day schedule. I'm chanting fitness mantra...:)

Music and Prayer : To bring my good spirits back .Needless to say more about music.I want myself to be completely immersed in the divine gift to boost my senses.

These are the areas that are to be fixed in my property. It takes lot of understanding to realize the areas and more hard work to put them in action and tons of determination for maintaining it. I promised myself i will stick to them no matter what !


Dream Train

What is life with out dreams? Some dreams are just impossible to reach but its great and beautiful to have little dreams else life becomes aimless and hopeless.One day we may reach some dreams .who knows..So catch the Dream Train when it halts at your station and grab few sparkles of happiness every now and then .Dream a little when you can and say a little prayer.

Many people search for happiness in wrong places like in the 'balance' of bank account,in other peoples praises,in luxury,material therapy like cars,building and fame..All these are short lived and temporary.They come and leave to give us direction.Happiness is never a destination ,we seldom try for it. Direction lies within us,that needs to be corrected and shown light . Finding it is not so hard  if they stop searching of unavailable destination and start searching for it in themselves.If you cant find happiness still,start dreaming what your happiness is like..catch the dream train and one day you will get the answer.

Lately i realized that i drove down the whole path searching for happiness and i missed the beauty of the road and ended up tired and disappointed.My Dream Train brought the answer to my quest .Every day i have thousand reasons to smile and to thank God..Signing off with this positive thought 

Love to all



Written in Clouds

I am a debutante ..I have been going through many blogs these days Till date am not sure of what a blog should look like or what should it mean to the author.so here i am  to experience how-blogging-keeps-my-passion-alive.

Why do i blog?

 I love to share my experiences and to keep them alive in this record .

I'm convinced to this thought and spent 2 hours searching for a template. Name of the template is 'Floating Away' that made me select this template.Flowing water , floating clouds and my thoughts ..i always find similarity among these .or i  say my thoughts always wander like a lone cloud. and,i love the shades used in the template especially the misty look it has

 As of know i plan to write about my daily musings and i promise to give my blog a shape soon .Suggestions are always entertained and constructive criticism has its place reserved in first row..They are much appreciated..!

Love to all

About Me

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Hi! I'm a young lady with a dream ,a fantasy to help me with reality and to cope with anything.Vanessa means Butterfly in Greek ...!

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